FREE lush and smooth chorus

ChorusCM is a digital chorus that provides interesting modulation options, it’s based around the algorithms found in our Chorus60 and it’s specifically designed to give your tracks more width and movement.

Chorus can be found in the Computer Music Magazine DVD and is not available anywhere else.

Video Overview


  • Three chorus lines
  • Adjustable speed, pan and level for each line
  • Dry/Wet knob
  • Analog BBD emulation and hiss
  • Resizable GUI
  • Mac OS X (>=10.7 Intel only) and Windows support.
  • 64-bit compatibility both on Mac and Windows.
  • Audio Units VST2.4, VST3 and AAX format.

44 thoughts on “HoRNet ChorusCM

很棒的大黄蜂 界面直观使用方便 对新手和高手都比较友好 不错 值得推荐这个

lumphuk says:

Nice Plugin

alberto lattanzi says:

Very personal and creative plugin

Redraw32 says:

All the plugins are solid!

Ethan Robbins says:

Can't wait to experiment!

YellowAcidProject says:


d s says:

Really nice

Angelo Petrucci says:

Awesome Tools

Victor Guillen says:

Super plugin

Marat Safin says:

awesome plugin, I really like it all the time

David GUEZENNEC says:

Good plugin

stayupjunie says:

Great company

mkt says:

Thank you from the bottom of my heart

fatman123a says:


stayupjunie says:

Best damn thing I heard all year

pedro martinez says:

lo voy a probar recien XD


this pluggin is very nice, for good music

stayupjunie says:

Awesome plug ins

Barrion C says:

I was needing a simple chorus plugin with a few extra whistles. From watching the video overview, this seems like another quality plugin from HoRNet plugins.

Donnell Smith says:

I liked the tone and subtle widening

Daniel Bowyer says:

Easy to use in Abletonton. Love them all

matthew felix says:

Solid piece of software! Must have on my chain!

gregory parrish says:

Nice Plugins!!!

William Norris says:

Fantastic. Many thanks.

Myrin Wilson says:

so far great plugins

tonu lukas says:


Oleksandr Lvov says:

Nice Plugin

Marcelo Ribeiro Simões says:



great Chorus

Emanuele Scafidi says:


rob dire says:

Amazing. I'd even pay money for it!


Nice Plugin

Anthony Jackson says:

User friendly plugin that’s fun to use.

michel raffin says:

HoRNet plug uns are top

M Koll says:

Javen't had a chance to try it, but free is really nice

Carlos Collazo says:

Fantastic sound!

Jairo says:


Furzy Dou says:

Very Good

Maksym Ponmarchuk says:

I love these pluging!

Sharigrama says:

Thank you for such an honorable work, thank you for your effort and share your knowledge, we are going to try these wonderful plugins that I imagine should have an excellent sound, I send you a hug.

TheoM says:

This sounds lovely. Please consider making a "pro" version of this (it's fine as it is but with a few more features you can sell it away from being tied to CM) so those of us in foreign countries can have easy access to purchase it.

victor jerez says:

Very impresionant modulation plugin !

Devon Brandi says:


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