We have just updated Sleek our resonance suppression tool.

This release includes:

  • Added delta mode to listen only for the removed part of the signal
  • Fixed crash when overlapping upper and lower spectrum limit
  • Fixed crash when moving quickly an EQ band
  • Fixed crash when resizing window in some DAWs with VST3
  • Fixed crash when changing UI theme on Windows
  • Fixed high CPU usage in FL Studio and with lower buffer size in general

The update is free for owners of the plugin and can be downloaded using HoRNet DoIn or from the “my account” page


3 thoughts on “HoRNet Sleek 1.1.0 update”

Ruslan says:

I'll join the voices requesting an external sidechain for this plugin. I think it will make it so much more useful than it already is

Eyal says:

GREAT Very useful plugin,I agree that mid/side is missing an hopefully external sidechain as well

Eduardo says:

Excelente actualización, ahora es mucho más razonable con la CPU, a parte el modo delta era necesario. Solo falta un modo mid/side y queda 👌

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